
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sophia O! Sophia

In Chaos she fell, forgotten our mother farewell.
As she hear her children's cries, their desperation long foretell.
For them she suffers, but darkness her light they drain.

She overcome through pain, the strength and wisdom she send.
Seeking justice , waves of divine fire from above on earth it rain.
As she catch it in her arms, and spread it through her heart, she cry..

Wake up wake, up my children, for many it's already to late .
Stop clinging to your fear your anger and hate.
Love one another, forgive each other, as that is the key.

Listen listen ,this is what I see, this is what I know.
On that fateful winters day, my body shall rock to and fro.
Everything will be shaken, only few believe and awaken.

Her children she never forgot, she never forsaken.
Sophia O Sophia, pillar of truth and flame of gold.
The day we long, same we'll sing a song of peace on a earth renewed.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Prophesies about God's warriors who will soon rise up.

The following prophesies falls together with a ancient native American prophesy  " the rainbow warrior's prophesy"

The bible calls them "Joel's Army" They are also know as the remnant army.

Jesus spoke through Jacob Lorber about these chosen ones, the ones who will rise and bring again the gospel of love with deeds of love trough out the world in the same manner as Jesus did.

"There is a vast land in the far west, which is on all sides
surrounded by oceans and does not anywhere connect with the old world
above water. From this land  the people will first be hearing
great things and these will also appear in the west of Europe. The
result will be a bright radiating and reflecting: the lights of heaven
will meet and support each other. Out of these lights, the sun of life
will be forming which is the new, perfect Jerusalem, and in this sun I
shall return to earth. The visible heaven and this earth will
eventually pass away, but My words which I have spoken to you will not

Posted on GLP from Prophet (507633) 1/24/09

Time is short and the Divine Fire will burn hotter then anyone can imagine.

Vision 1-06-09
In the vision, I was looking at the world from a suspended position. I could see people and areas from a panoramic position and also at times, I saw things close up. The position varied as it did with the scenes and with the messages that I was given to understand by the experiences given to me.
I saw what looked to me like great fiery rain coming from heaven and it came in great drops or elongated streams. It was not like the natural rain that we know of, but it was like spiritually infused living molten lava, a real fire, but it was Living Spirit; the living fiery essence of the Father that was raining down towards the inhabitants below.

As I watched, I saw that it fell simultaneously in one great event all over the earth. But it did not fall everywhere, and it did not upon everyone. It rained down suddenly and I saw that many people did see it coming from above as it happened, as it was a real physical event that men could actually experience and see, but it was also a divine event that not all men would experience, but I understood that men would know that God had entered into the corporate natural affairs of men divinely again.

It was not a slow natural event like a storm or a weather phenomenon that you could track, or follow and monitor, actually, from my perspective it looked like a slow unfolding event, but I understood that it actually happened very fast. I was just being given an enhanced view for my understanding and learning.

The raining fire of the Father that I saw falling was the Real Living Essence of the Father Himself that was being released upon those whom He had prepared to receive it below. It was interesting to watch this happen, as it fell upon people whom you would not expect nor think that it would, or even that it would not, by our thinking or reasoning of qualifications.

The fiery rain would come down and fall upon a particular person who would be either aware of it falling or not be aware of it falling at that particular moment, but when it did hit them, they underwent a sudden tremendous change. I watched close up as the living fire seemed to penetrate into them and infuse itself or radiate itself throughout their beings and bodies. They literally became the very same Essence of the Father that the rain was that had fell upon them. Their eyes burned with a new life and even their skin was changed. It was not like ours now. It had a different texture or spiritual component to it’s makeup, and the fire flowed throughout their skin like a radiance, but it was not just an outward surface shining, but it was an internal radiance from within the skin layers itself. It was not like human skin as we know it, the qualities had been divinely altered, and the people now had new natures. I did not fully understand all of this process, but it was real and it was new. They were of a different spirit, as they now embodied the divine in such a way that we have yet to experience up to now.

The people who were infused would now physically embody the divine fire, but it also lived through them and it became them as they became it, also. They did not lose their individual personalities through the process, but each person was still their own unique vessel, but they were also now divinely infused and were more divinely aware of God and understood their earthly purpose now. The fire seemed to fully express itself within them so that it flowed outwardly also by the transformation that was happening to them. By this I mean that there was such a Holiness and a terrible Presence of the Father in them and on them, that you knew that God the Father walked in them, and that He was now walking through them in a manner that we have yet to experience in any generation yet. God was manifesting Himself in a people just like He did with Jesus, when Jesus walked amongst us. But now these people did it openly.

I then watched in the vision from a view further away, and I saw that it indeed only fell upon some and not on upon others. The selection of who it fell upon was the Father’s and not of any man. Most of those that I saw that it fell upon were some people were very weary and very embattled people. From earthly standards, we probably wouldn’t have thought that they would amount to anything by their current life and their struggles that they have endured. But I understood that their unique trials and their life’s struggles that they lived out had actually served to prepared them for this new infusion that now came from the Father.

One man that I saw in particular that received the fiery rain was very emotionally and spiritually broken. He had endured much physical hardship and I understood that he had endured much persecution from the church. He had been misunderstood most of his life and he also had thought that he had failed God and that he had missed God and that he had lost his place. But God used these things in his life to lead him closer to Himself and to purify this man to be able to be one that would become His chosen vessel. He was very beloved by the Lord and he had learned humility through the suffering which caused him to rise above the hardness and the hatred that’s in the world, even though he did not understand why his life was this way.

Not every person that I saw was as broken as this man was that had received this infusion, I was just given to notice certain ones for my own learning and for our beneficial clarity. Many of the people I saw seemed to be living successful lives and seemed to be spiritually healthy or spiritually active in their walks in spite of the hour in which they lived in. But the common factor that I noticed with them all was that they each had undergone recent trials and they were currently experiencing various levels of spiritual warfare and were in various stages of purging by the Lord in their walks. Most did not understand the full reason why their lives were embattled, nor understand the full plan of God behind it all, but they did seek God in the midst of it all.

Another person I noticed was one that did not receive the divine infusion. But rather, this person watched as others were filled and was angry and yelled at God. One man I saw screamed out that he was one of the servants that had prophesied of it’s coming, and had taught on it, so he should be one that received it and that he deserved it. He was angry that the Father did not give it to him. I was afraid as I saw this in the vision, as I knew that his anger was pride and arrogance and that the Father was just in this, for this man’s heart was not truly right. I also knew that this man would fall as he did not have the right heart necessary to stand in the next hour and to fulfill his course successfully. He had allowed the pride of position and the pride that comes from being used by God to bring forth revelation from God to others, to cause him to be disqualified and to harden his heart. I feared the Lord as I watched, for I knew that we all stand by Grace, and not one of us can receive anything from God unless we truly believe and unless we truly are fully surrendered to Him in every way.

I divinely understood that it was a matter of the individual’s heart before God, and not just on his outward qualifications, knowledge, or training. God walks with each of His People, and He daily leads them on their life’s journey, and what they learn throughout their experiences and through their dependence upon God through it, determines their receptiveness or not. God desires that we utterly trust Him, that we utterly love Him, and that we utterly believe Him. Even though we each experience different levels of trials and events in our personal journeys, the lessons are the same for all men. We must each come to a death of our own ego and self life and we must come to a deeper personal knowledge of God and into an intimate relationship with God. Our responses to God in our life’s process will determine if we will walk fully with Him or not, and if we will allow Him to change us into what he wants us to be. God sees us all and knows each of our hearts. He knows who will let Him have His full and complete way in their lives. Even though we might think we have failed Him, because of the severity of our individual paths and trials, and also because we did not understand the process of why we were in the events, the Father knows the depths of what lies deep within each of us.

I watched as others were transformed here and there, and it was also a very shocking event on the earth as it was so sudden and unexpected. It also did not come in the manner in which we had been taught from the church leaders, but it came as it had been ordained from the Father, for this generation. There was worldwide upheaval as the newly infused people began to quickly then be sent out by the Father all over the earth on the Father’s business, and the people around them realized that they did not receive what the others had. There was a lot of crying out from people all around also, as this event also produced a huge surge of spiritual searching and even chaos in the church as the people who were not infused questioned the established church leaders of their knowledge of this event and it’s significance.

I also was given to know that out of those who did not receive the infusion of the Fiery Essence, this did not mean that they were not the Lord’s people. It just meant that they had missed the divine release because of their lack of inner spiritual preparation and that they had not fully developed their hearts before God in their relationships in a timely manner for this event. They were still God’s children, but they had missed the opportunity to be used in this higher divine manner for the next stages of events that would come upon the earth. There was a great sorrow expressed over this reality, as many of them realized that they did not fully lay hold of the higher call or obtain to the mark that God had set for them all to achieve.

What I did see was that this divine event caused a great sobering wave to spread across the church and also a wave of a great determination to seek God exploded across the church and also across the globe.

Many began to rise up and decide to be purified themselves and they began to sacrifice everything to obey God, but it did not come as a reality in their lives until after these events happened. Nevertheless, this event served to bring about the corporate awakening and the rising up of the majority of the true Body of Christ across the globe. Many now questioned what they had been spiritually taught by others, and many returned to studying the Word and they began to search it out for themselves. A new respect for the Church began to also spread amongst the Christian people, as they realized the reality of being the Body of Christ, and repentance began to burst forth and a new sense of purpose caused them to not persecute one another, but to see each other as Christ.

This event also brought about much chaos, fear, confusion, and anger amongst the unbelieving Christians, and among the religious, and especially the general world populations. Great persecution also immediately broke out against the divine fire, as many did not understand it and they feared it. The newly infused people of God were not like them anymore, as they had been divinely changed, and this caused much panic and turmoil. But it also caused revival to break out and a great fear of the reality of God to began to be spread worldwide.

The devil(Anti Christ) was also greatly enraged as the Divine Essence now was embodied again in the earth, and he no longer had dominion over God’s people to prevent them anymore, and a great resistance and opposition and war broke out in many areas as the Divine Light now clashed with the darkness. I saw great upheavals and war in many areas, but also great restorations and great Light begin to spread throughout God’s people all across the globe. The Father is in full control of the earthly events, even those to come and He is active in all of the affairs of men.
The vision ended.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Treat others as you want then to treat you.

It is by your actions that you will show if you belong to the truth or not. The only pure and lasting religion can and will ever be, caring and helping your fellow human beings and refuse to let the world corrupt you.”(Live a life of love!.)

Treat  others as you yourself want them to treat you. Search your mind and heart, what is it you will find there?, after all, you will be repaid each one of you according your deeds and actions.

It is always the love and kindness in your hearts that enables you to see the truth.
It is the proud who will be humbled and the humble who will inherit the earth.

The least will be the most and the most will be the least.
You are defiled by what you say and do. Whatever is in your hearts determine what you say and do.

Ascending is about love and forgiveness, helping and giving, honesty, goodness, righteousness and meekness!
In this is the light and truth “the new Jerusalem” It is by the law of love, according your deeds of love you will be judged, it doesn’t matter if we judge our selfs or by a higher being, it stays the same.

The only law that sets you free is the law of love. Only love can cover a multitude of sins. Those that followed the path of unselfish deeds of love are the ones climbing the spiritual ladder towards ascension.

Mercy will be given, only if you are mercifull towards other.
We can never truly understand spiritual wisdom through our human intellect or through a haughty proud or a bitter unforgiving heart.

We are defiled by what we say and do.
Whatever is in our hearts determine what we say and do, only a good tree can produce good fruit and only a good person can produce good deeds from a good heart.

Your faith will be tested by trails, it will be tested by fire and purified as gold. If your faith remains strong after fiery trails, only then will you know true victory and peace from within .

If pure love exists from within the heart space, fear will flee from you. Fear can't exist within perfected love. 

 Blessed are you who understand and take to heart these words.

Live a life of love.
Pistis Sophia

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How do we dicern truth from non truth.

With the overwhelming spiritual and religious information out there, how on earth do we discern what is truth and what is not. It is easy to be confused and most people are confused. Without realizing many cling to  non truths and will defend it as if it's their little children.

As we walk through life many obstacles and hurdles are thrown unto our paths and very few overcome those obstacles and move up the spiritual ladder.

As we overcome, we reached a certain degree of spiritual maturity and we receive the gift of discernment. Then one can go through millions of pages.... and the truth will stand out from those pages like a bright shining light. This way pure truth is relayed from above and made clear to those who has reached the level required to be a spiritual teacher.

Always stay humble and beware of pride.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

After death, Heaven or Hell, who goes where?

Heaven and Hell

Two simple words but the controversy and fear behind these words are endless . The evangelical Christians say we have to be reborn before we inherit God's Kingdom and many different Christian sects have the opinion you must belong to their specific group before you will be aloud to enter heaven.

The Amish as a example tell their children from very small , only if you belong to the Amish and follow their rules and regulations will you be excepted into heaven .

As a child my parents belong to a sect called New Apostolic church, they as well make it clear to their followers only the new Apostolic followers will enter heaven.

Other Christian groups preach you  have to believe in Jesus as your Lord and savior to enter heaven. If you ask them, what about the millions that never heard about Jesus, will they be thrown into hell by a merciful loving God? The answer you get is usually vague without any true explanation.

Outside the Christian religion the confusion about heaven and hell continues. The Jews thinks they are Gods chosen ones.,the Moslems has their own theories, and are also divided in different groups with different teachings ...on and on goes the debate about heaven and hell.

What is the truth then? Does a merciful and loving God  have a favorite people or group .Does a bias God even exists?

I can tell you God's adversary done a extremely good and thorough job at confusing people about this very important subject matter.

What is the truth ? Who goes to heaven, and will we find good people in hell?

Where you go after your soul/spirit  separate from the temporary body and where you end up afterwards  has nothing to do with religion or any group you belong to , even if you call yourself Cristian , Jew, Moslem, Buddhist or a atheist for that matter.

No dearest it is all about what lies within you, as Jesus taught when He walked earth as a man , the   The Kingdom of God forms from within"

In Cor 13, we can read if you don't have "love" you are empty and nothing more than a empty cymbal and a noisy gong.

In the sacred writing of nearly all religions you will find these words "treat others as you yourselves wants to be treated. That is the most important  question, how do you treat those around you?. How much un forgiveness , hatred and anger do you carry within ?

The fact is we send ourself into darkness or light. Gross sin is like heavy dark layers forming around the soul/spirit body and drags you towards density and darkness, whereby love is light and where there is light godliness dwells. Only love can covers a multitude of sins.

What about little children then, innocent babies that haven't had the change to live, where to they go?

Again according the Christian teachings a child that has not reached the age of accountability will go to heaven as they die.

 The person who lived a ripe old age and experience much pain loss and tears in his/her life, but never excepted Jesus as their savior, even if they where a good person, the God of love they so vehemently preach about , will look pass the goodness, and be thrown in hell , if that is not enough it's also for a  eternity.

This is really a ridiculous teaching and make no sense at all to any truth seeking person.

We can't even begin to understand the answer to the above question if we have a close mind set into  spiritual matters and that includes the fact  that's impossible to learn and experience all there is, in only one lifetime.

 Reincarnation  a swear word in Christianity. Reincarnation has to be understood by those who has reached  spiritual maturity..... it's not a question of die and directly being reborn into another body. We have our rest periods in-between . In this rest periods we  have  meetings with our spirit guides  discussing  past incarnations and what we want to experience and accomplish in the next. Nothing is just black and white, much is being taken in consideration  for a next life.

Now there is the question from those into the Christian faith, why then did Jesus die for our sins?

I ask people ,if Jesus died on the cross for our  sins committed and still going to commit  on earth, why do we still have to bear the pain and suffering after we excepted Jesus as our Lord and savior, we still have to watch our love ones die , we still have to suffer pain of sickness, bad things still happen to good people....Why?

God can't create imperfect beings , we all where created perfect, but also with a will of our own.

 If a person go against the laws of a country you will be incarcerated, the same principle exist  in the universe. The Lucifer  rebellion played a big part in this . Most of us are fallen beings imprisoned on planted earth, working our way back to the light beings we once where.  The sins Jesus came to earth for and died on the cross, is just that, the original sin the reason why we are here in the first place.

Apostasy and rebellion against the light of lights the source of all . Jesus opened that door for us and also told us what to do to enter again God's Kingdom. He holds out his hand and anybody who needs the strength only have to call out, He's always available.

The sins we commit on earth we will pay off ourselves, in this life or the next, never as a punishment but always as a way to teach us compassion and responsibility. If you cause pain to someone else you are only hurting yourself. Remember if someone committed a gross sin against you,  forgive, because you did that same thing against someone else in this life or a past life.

We are also  at the end of an salvation period .Many who filled their quota lifetimes and wasn't able to  accomplish the goal, will have to start over again. What that  involves is a another matter all together. But I can tell you this, the amount of souls graduating to the new earth are far less than the one's who will loose their identity and the spiritual substance will be thrown back into the creations.

 If only they know how long and painful this process is before a being are able to incarnate into a human body again, then all will understand how important it is to "treat others as you yourselves want to be treated" to forgive those who wronged you, and help those in need. We have to work hard on ourselves to cultivate the characteristics of goodness, kindness, gentleness, self-control, peace and patience within us,  that is the important factors for that is part our ticket out of from the cycle  of birth and death.


Follow this link if you want to read more on this subject:.

Monday, March 23, 2015

 The suffering Bottisvatta, the  Sophia of Jesus.

 The fallen Goddess the Bodhisattva.... suffering for humanity.

Who out there can begin to understand her endless pain, her afflictions and oppression, becoming exceedingly manifold .
Who can understand her loneliness,the isolation and fatigue she has to endure,  immensely suffering in obscurity for long periods of time, as her matter inevitably languishes, without her power or light.
She desperately  obeys her Father's commandment to persevere . He knows she has but little strength left and without His grace and mercy she will surely falter.

He opened a door before her no one can shut, for she obeys His word as she dwells in obscurity , as she never denied the one true light, on her decent.
Who can comprehend her sacrifice , her sorrows and exhaustion , her strength drying up like sunbaked clay ,desperately clinging to a ever thinning line , with only her unwavering faith sustaining her ,on this long dark and extremely narrow desert way she walks. At times "wisdom" finds herself in a pit of desolation and isolation so deep , with only the strength of the light of all lights sustaining her.

Who  understands just how dark the night of her soul really is, as she sits in the chaos without her light, her wings clipped deep into the the flesh of her weary body.

Who knows the pain from her heart, worn  out ....pleading :" Father , Source of all, please  take this bitter cup from me"(as she knows she has to drink, even the last bitter drop)" save me  from the egos of my accusers and tormentors who hunts me down relentlessly, surrounding me with words of hated, fighting against me without cause". "Show me thy ways and I shall be saved in them, and show me thy paths, whereby I shall be saved from this chaos". "Look pass the transgressions which I have committed from the beginning in my ignorance, put it not on my account but forgive me my sins as I forgive those who sinned against me".

Who then wants to be her? She the despised one, stripped empty like Jop, sitting with sack in ashes, body withering away, eyes blurred with tears as she's most times only given adversity for food and affliction for drink as she suffers with patience in her trails and work on herself tirelessly ,with no power and no light, seeking only balm for her painful heart.

Because of her love for humanity she bears this endless affliction, renounced all nirvanas' joy ,anchoring the divine feminine energies the tsunamis of love to drag the ones who still can be saved out of the mire they find themselves in.

Who wants to be her, when she doesn't even want to be her herself. She asking you" do you want to drink from this.... my bitter cup".?

 "Do  you want to prevail in my suffering ,endure in my pain ,help me carry my heavy cross , and abide in my isolation,  keep your faith in utter hopelessness while having to put up with the constant attacks from the dark ones ".

"Can you sacrifice all and walk through this darkest of valleys , not knowing when you will see again the light " with a heart longing for home as she has no fear of death, for she knows where she comes from and knows where she is going back to.

Dear children pray for her and send her your love as she has descended in this chaos as a unknown being to suffer in obscurity.

Help her spread ,the gospel of love, forgiveness and compassion as her Consort her twin Jesus did .

My children she says "show mercy  and only then can mercy be given to you . Forgive those who wronged you and treat others as you yourself wants to be treated". " Help those in need, visit the lonely and sick , pray for justice to prevail in a world filled with hatred and strife. Be that fruit bearing olive tree who works on themselves tirelessly , and trusts in the grace of our Mother/ father God for all eternity.

 Soon she says: will she crawl from her obscurity, when our God and Creator and Father forgives and liberate her, gifting her with her long lost light , the flame of golden glory. Which she will uphold as a pillar of the glorious New Jerusalem, and teach multitudes the path towards truth.

 Time of change is upon us , let us work together to birth the new golden age of Aquarius!

Romans 8
Children if we are to share in the glory of Christ, we must also share his suffering.
