
Friday, May 30, 2014

The following post is an example of just how important is this natural event for humanity!
We need to grow up fast otherwise all is lost! (This site has being taken down by the dark ones)

Humanity is at a crossroads. Before us lie two paths:

The first - an uphill path fraught with hardships and obstacles that will ultimately change the very nature of what it means to be human but, if we succeed, will bring us together like we never have before. I see a high mountain glen where people dance in a complex weave, intricate and beautiful, mimicking the music of the universe. We will finally become full members of a universal society - we will transcend our woes and mundane petty struggles. But the path is difficult, and many of us will not make it.

The other path - it is an

    easier path, downhill through fields full of food. But when I look closer, the crops are tended by slaves who are dying of hunger and thirst. The crops are rotten and infested with pests; they look appetizing
but when you bite into it, maggots swarm out. The farther along this path, it grows dark. The sun is obscured by clouds of smoke.. The smoke of irresponsible industry and war. There are bodies everywhere, while horrific machines of carnage stomp through the carcasses like mud. Finally, the path ends at a cliff face with no where to go, and no one is left. Only the mountain glen, far above, unreachable.

We are entering the time when we must choose as a species. The earth is telling us this - we have lazed about in our adolescence long enough. We must either grow up or die in our own filth and despair.


1 comment:

  1. So many warning has being send out to humanity, but how many listen? They stick their heads in the sand and just go on happy go lucky.... don't want to hear about what is coming, don't want listen to anything related to the spiritual, stuck in religious dogma....unwilling to point the finger at themselves and say I am the one who needs to change my judgmental ways. For sometime God will hear our cries for justice and one day justice will be served justice of the divine kind.
