
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Spiritual rebirth is the human being's goal on earth.

Kind hearted activity is absolutely necessary for spiritual rebirth, since this revives the person's spirit. Through actions of love the dormant spiritual spark within the soul unites with the eternal Father-Spirit, it becomes active, and activity is life ....

If, by deeds of love, the human being gives the spiritual spark within himself them opportunity to become active, he will have become spiritually reborn . Once the spirit is awakened it will never disregard him.
The spirit will influence the soul and through it also the the person's body, urging him into kind-hearted actions and thereby advancing spiritual growth. Spiritual rebirth can never be intellectually achieved.

Only a will that is put into action results in rebirth, and these actions need to be deeds of unselfish love towards other people. A person's spirit will only come alive through love, it will only move into action through deeds of love, and thus only through love can the soul achieve eternal life, which is the consequence of spiritual rebirth.

Anyone who has love also lives in constant contact with the Eternal Love, and thus the eternal Father-Spirit will also constantly influence the spiritual spark in such a human being ....
Eternal Love (God) will draw to Itself to a person, striving to shape themselves into love.

Love is the key to wisdom, and wisdom is knowledge which corresponds to truth, which emanates from and leads back to the spiritual kingdom ....

The spiritually reborn human being is aware of his mission on earth and will follow it with love and eagerness. He radiates light, love and good will.

The characteristics of a spiritual reborn person.

Peace loving.

Gentle at all times.

Willing to yield.

Full of mercy and good deeds.

Shows no partiality.

Always sincere.

Patience and kind.

Does not demand its own way.

Stands for what is right.

Never glad about injustice.

Never loses faith, always hopeful.

Endures through suffering.

Persevere through pain.

Never judgmental, always forgiving.

Do not slander or gossip.

Pray for all enemies and friends

Never take delight in the defeat of others.

In a person that's reborn love has being perfected and no fear exists in them. They have a balance between strength and humility.

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