
Thursday, July 31, 2014

We live in difficult times with much destruction around the corner.

We live in extremely difficult times and are constantly made aware of it, in the drastic changes of nature, mass animal die outs, systems falling apart and shocking behavior of many human beings getting worse by the day.

Most people are only concerned with themselves and earthly life and not at all with their spiritual development , which is why we are on this earth. The only thing we have with us that is permanent, is our soul/spirit, the rest are temporary and also unimportant.

We are at the end of an salvation period and all the upheaval happening as well as the "event" of nature coming, that will change life as we know it, is to direct our thoughts to our spiritual side.

Much destruction is about to befall humanity also as a consequence of our destructive behavior (overwhelming negative energy is reaching a boil over point).

There are many admonishing and warning out there, but few take notice. Only a few people recognized the approaching end by the signs and who, hand themselves over to God.

He that hath eyes to see, let him see. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.... God's voice can be heard everywhere, His activity can be seen far and wide, and in all places people are mentally influenced from above....

Yet their will is free, and God will not forcibly influence anyone .The time until the end gets ever shorter, the signs will increase, thereby facilitating everyone's realization and belief; and if a person is of good will he will not resist and close themselves to these warnings.

For God's grace takes effect in all places, the rays of the tiny lights which flare up everywhere can be persuasive if a person does not obscure them by not allowing themselves to be affected by the rays.... And blessed are they who follows such a rays of light and need not spend the last days in fear and darkness....

They will take the right path, which will safely lead them to the goal , which is our Creator through a loving heart.
We can be as little children and meek but at the same time we can have strength and understanding ,through the spirit, because in perfected love we have no fear of the darkness and destruction coming.

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